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I believe in the power of visual illustration so when it comes to news and events I try to get my information in a way that involves only one or two senses, such as radio or print.  I'm a news-wimp... I just don't want to SEE what I need to know.  The stinging wounds of a devastated world leave all of us gasping for relief.

As a Christian I find strength and assurance in my faith in the trustworthiness of a God that I can't see, even when I have to struggle to stand firmly on that faith. I wish the struggle weren't so often; I wish unquestioning faith flowed naturally and consistently and effortlessly into my reasoning.  But the truth is that I often have to fall on my face and beg for it, sometimes for days.  Some may think that a God Who requires such exertion isn't worth it, but I find soundness and solidity in the fact that I can pour my uncertainty out before Him, emptying the contents of my heart for as long as needed to reach stillness.  I have learned from experience that His refilling is certain, the fresh contents of peace replacing stale, ineffective thinking.   New wine pours into a fresh wineskin of renewed faith. (Mark 2:22).

This is when I am surprised by the affect of God's hand in the form of human interaction bringing the touch of hope. Through encouraging words, an unexpected smile, an act of selflessness,  I experience God.  He makes Himself visible by moving in and out of lives, causing us to touch each other in ways that are elevating, and uplifting.  He chooses to relieve human pain through human interaction, which is often the cause of pain in the first place.  God uses us to bring relief and even healing to each other.  My renewed faith can start a chain-reaction of faith-building in others-- and I may never know it happened!  I'm sure that the woman who spoke encouragement to me this morning will never know that I'm writing about that encounter now.

Visual illustration is emotionally powerful.  I'm so glad that I've been given a "snapshot" of the importance of small encounters on the human spirit.  The places we go, the homes we live in, all that makes life worthwhile are given meaning because of the relationships associated with them.  We are the body of Christ, His chosen medium in which to work for our renewal.

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