I can get so caught up in perfection-- and the resulting down slide of self-criticism. If
I thought I was the only one who struggles with it, I would sit quietly in the "back row" of life, keeping what I think is left of my dignity (a gentle word for Pride). The experience of painting can
reveal perfectionism to me and, fortunately, can heal as well.
I painted early at Milfiori yesterday morning, with the commitment to do several small pen-and-ink sketches of the flowers that gave this setting its name. My intent was to provide affordable gift-sized pieces to include in the show developing for October. What I came away with is a valuable lesson for my life...
It is with thought and careful planning that I usually begin a painting. Rough drawings and scribbles in my sketchbook help me to focus on the intent of the piece and to maintain that focus when the lighting changes and entices me to follow it. But working with pen and ink is quick and spontaneous, filled with shoot-from-the-hip imperfection. It is like returning to the fun of childhood art. The result is free form and abstract and very connecting; perhaps more about the subject and less about the painting. It is Beauty of the Moment. I still need the challenge of fully-developed paintings but taking the time to productively play is essential to staying in touch with my heart and how I see things. In a world where it is constantly tempting to paint what will sell, what I think people will want, this may be the most important work I can do!
These little pieces are about living in the moment, reacting to what I see and how it affects me. They are the result of learning from past efforts and adjusting for future work. The grace and beauty of the resulting imperfection not only nourishes my soul, but others are left peaceful and whole with the encounter. Maybe all my life can be lived in the beauty of the moment, that utter attractiveness of imperfection. "Just as I am... He loves me He does." (Andrew Peterson)
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