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My Audience and Inspiration- a bit more from the studio

They sit quietly in the corner of my studio, never speaking and yet drawing my attention most days.  They are my rabbits.  I've picked them up here and there over the years, usually because something about each one "grabbed"me.  I'm not sure why rabbits have caught my heart, but I can remember my fascination with REAL rabbits from childhood.  We always had them as pets.  My dad built a wonderful hutch in our backyard and it was home to several families of bunnies, babies included.

I've done a few paintings with realistic rabbits, but the stuffed, carved, ceramic, clay, or fabric bunnies seem to help me say something about life.  Their faces are expressive, almost alive with personality.  Rabbits take on human characteristics in a believable way; they wear clothes well or can be seen comfortably without clothes at all.  Hats with holes for ears add charm, shoes that accommodate oversized feet bring a smile.  Through the years of rabbit-painting, I've become attached.  I think it may be rabbits that pull me continually back into the whimsical realm, keeping me from ever stepping completely away from that quality in my work.

I want to always grow in fine art skills, painting landscapes, houses, gardens and natures's loveliness, but my silent audience is there, reminding me not to take myself, my art, or life too seriously!

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