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The Primroses are Back!

It's Super Bowl Sunday and I can easily hear cheers and shouts from my neighbor's homes because my surroundings are quiet.  The men of our household have gone somewhere else to do their cheering (we  don't have TV so my husband has to hunt for an available super bowl party to crash.)  I love this event for the freedom it offers me on a day I don't feel compelled to do anything except what I really want to do.  I'm revealing a bit about how "exciting" I am because what I've been doing for the last hour is raking leaves.  The month of February is often mild around here and it's become my yearly ritual to pull back the winter "covers" from my garden around this time.  Our oak trees have left half-a-foot of leaf confetti, now grey-brown, resulting in a covering of lifeless dullness.  Piles of the light-weight blankets can easily be tossed over the back fence, leaving cool, dark compost thriving with... weeds.  Lots of them.  Work for another day.

But treasure is found as my winter-loving primroses have come to life despite the fog of leaves.  The color-constrast is striking against a backdrop of dark neutrals, and small buds promise more to come soon.  They are a symbol of hope for my garden-to-be, the promise of seasonal cycles and the life they bring.

Hope.  It's there under the dulling cover of world events: Egypt; massive winter oppression covering half our country; poverty, addiction, and homelessness just down the street; fear and uncertainty in unemployment.  We can't get away from harsh realities but we can choose our focus.  We can choose to use the rake on our thoughts, to uncover the many positives and gifts daily displayed in small---or not so small, packages.  Step outside at sunset and be wrapped in unearthly color; look in a child's expressive eyes; breathe the essence of a freshly-peeled orange;  look for primrose buds.  Or cheer for your team!

"Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."  (Luke 12:32)  The kingdom of God illustrated in primroses...

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