We've had a long, wet winter. I'd say a hard winter but those in the Midwest would laugh at my idea of "hard" when it comes to winter! Spring warmth has been growing over the last few days and the newness of it is still novel. I revel in passing through pockets of scented air, thrown out by full-bloomed branches peeking over backyard fences. My own backyard apple trees are budding so quickly I almost think I can see it happening if I watch carefully.
Yesterday I joined I couple of friends for a late-afternoon fitness walk, our route leading us through neighborhoods of charming old houses nestled in glorious spring greens popping with pink and white blossoms. Pure heaven. But it wasn't until we stopped talking long enough to hear birds that the full impact of Spring hit. A series of particularly cheerful notes floated down from the overhead branches and my friend commented that we were listening to the song that a robin sings only in the spring. We listened, enchanted by the thought that this was a "limited edition" performance.
This morning when I began work, I turned the radio on. The program that was underway featured a renowned scientist explaining the latest NASA finds confirming the evolution of life from single-cell lifeforms. The approving interviewer asked if, with this understanding, science could now create life from non-living elements. The guest replied that for some reason bringing life still eludes them.
Tonight's amazing sunset-- periwinkle in one direction, peachy-rose in the other-- joins with the Spring song in giving glory to the one true Creator. We are loved and nurtured and cared for... and science will never duplicate that!
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