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Creative Spill-over

When my now-21-year-old daughter and 18 year old son were young, I thought I was overwhelmingly busy. That was before our youngest was born and the inexperienced view that things would get easier as my children got older. I struggled to make time to paint, to carve out a corner in my various houses that would allow me to leave mid-project supplies out and ready to use the moment an opportunity would spin my way. Yet those are the years that were my most productive. If cookies were needed for an event, they would be hand-decorated and worthy of magazine publication. Curtains and valances throughout my home were hand made; throw pillows were sewn from tea-dyed or custom-bleached floral fabrics. Every gift was hand-made and perfectly suited to the recipient. I've often wondered why it now takes such discipline to use my more-abundant time well and why creative expression flows less freely into areas of my life that don't involve paint and brushes. I think I've slowly, but importantly, redirected the flow of creative energy -- so much a part of who I am -- to learning excellence in painting. The reality of life is that something has to give to make room for what becomes most important to us. I remember a statement from a Management class I took in college: A VALUE is what you choose to ACT on. I have chosen to spend daily time learning the craft of watercolor painting. It has become very valuable to me and I treasure that choice I've made. But every once in a while, usually following an inspiring day in Yosemite or the like, creativity overflows into my daily-necessity living. Yesterday held one of those moments: Dessert was needed and sugar/butter/flour is one of my favorite non-paint mediums. It was an opportunity to do something beautifully rather than just Done. I have been reminded that even though painting is my most fulfilling personal value, living creatively is essential to nourishing the desire to paint. When life calls for a task, I want to always add a touch of beauty, a twist of fun, a reason to hear someone say "OHHH!" Everyone benefits when we are true to the Creator.

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